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VYAS Volunteers Raise Over $1,300 for VGH Mental Health Project with Chinese New Year Charity Sale

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

Last year, VYAS volunteers took action to help fundraise for VGH's mental health project. They searched for goods, sorted and organized them, and contacted sales channels. On February 19th this year, we held our first Chinese New Year charity sale at the Yaohan Centre. The children joined forces to help out, with the younger volunteers carrying donation boxes and putting up posters to promote the event, while the older ones were busy serving customers, distributing goods, and collecting payments. After a busy day, the charity sale was a great success, raising $1,318. All of the volunteers, big and small, stepped out of their comfort zones and gained valuable experience. Join us and give children more opportunities to develop themselves while working towards better mental health for young people.

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